Orders at Fabisch Fly Fishing may be done via the e-mail, mail or faxed.
e-mail: wolfgang.fabisch(@)t-online.de
fax: 011 49 9126 288643
phone: 011 49 9126 288640
address: wolfgang fabisch, nürnbergerstr. 45, 90542 eckental, germany
After placing the order you will receive an email including the invoice and my paypal account information. The order will be send after receiving the money on the paypal account.
As I am operating a shop and an online-shop with fly fishing and fly tying equipment, I would like to get orders, of course. These can come in in several ways, including good old snail mail. Orders over the phone have in the past led to occasional errors in the buyer´s address. Therefore: feel free to call me on the phone for any information you require, but please send your order in per e-mail or by using my contact form on the website to avoid any misunderstanding.
Should you be without an answer from my side for three days, please contact me again. I do my best to keep my website up to date, but technical problems may occur just the same - you know Murphy´s Law, I suppose.